GLOBAL RESPONSE TO COVID-19The Panamerican Trauma Society (PTS) in collaboration with the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma-International Relations Committee (AAST-IRC), the World Coalition for Trauma Care ( WCTC), the University of Miami and Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU - ITSDP) hold several COVID-19 sessions from March-August, 2020. The PTS is pleased to share the video recordings of the COVID-19 series. We invite you to watch the videos to hear from physicians and health care staff who managed COVID-19 patients around the world Video recordings of
For over 30 years, the Panamerican Trauma Society has provided leadership in the care of the injured and critically ill in all of the Americas. The Covid-19 pandemic has quickly become one of the most important and frightening healthcare challenges in any of our lifetimes. No one person or one group has all the answers. We are all creating these answers as we attempt to create solutions for systems as well as individual patients. On March 18, 2020, the PTS hosted a teleconference on Covid-19 that was attended by over 250 participants. The dialogue was impressive as people from many countries shared their perspective. The PTS is pleased to share that teleconference with the entire Trauma and Critical Care Community. These teleconferences will be ongoing. Please check this website for further information. The PTS intends to stay as close to the front of this as possible to provide a forum for discussion and serve as a source of information in these troubling times. We wish all of our colleagues the best of luck as we all try to mitigate the effects of Covid-19. Please stay as safe as possible. We will come out of this better educated, better prepared, and stronger together. Thomas M. Scalea MD PTS former Executive Director |