PTS Multi-center Research Study ProposalThe Panamerican Trauma Society (PTS) is proud to sponsor multi-center studies in order to facilitate the design and execution of multi-center projects. The purpose of this initiative is to encourage researches from different centers to collaborate in studies of mutual interest. The collaborative projects must be initiated by the researchers, who will use their own resources to develop their proposals. Those interested must follow the process listed below to develop and submit their research proposal. PROCEDURES AND INSTRUCTIONS.Phase I. DEVELOPMENT AND SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS. Those interested must: 1. Understand that the purpose of this group is to collaborate based on your trauma registries to better understand the epidemiology of trauma in Latin America. Consequently, it is very important to know if your trauma center has the following capacity: a. Electronic trauma record of your trauma hospital (# of years of registration?) b. Study Ethics Service (IRB) c. Direct contact with the principal investigator d. Direct contact with trauma assistant e. Name of the trauma center f. How many trauma patients are registered each year? It is important to know if your trauma center has all these requirement (a-f) to begin developing collaborations of multicenter studies. 2. Develop a research study proposal. Researchers should prepare a draft proposal including the following outline: a. Title of the research study a. PTS Multi-center research study proposal Note: We recommend consulting with a statistician and possible co-investigators about the content of the proposal before submitting the proposal. The collaborators of the study must have a vision of consensus and commitment. The proposal and required documents must be sent to along with this Application Form Phase II. REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF STUDY. The PTS is committed to the following:
a. Organize the collection of data by electronic means, as this will facilitate the analysis.2. Agreement (email) letter. The main researchers must prepare and distribute a letter of agreement or an email to potential co-investigators. This letter must include a copy of the following documents with the written agreement or email: a. Study proposal Note: In this phase it useful to:
4. Study proposal updates. As your study advances, we recommend (not essential) submitting periodic updates via email by the co-investigators. Please be sure to include:
All of these actions can be useful in maintaining the expectation of the researchers. 5. Data analysis and development of research study. According to your work schedule, the researchers must download the final data collected from the electronic tools and proceed to analyze the data and prepare a draft of the study. Phase IV. PRESENTATION AND PUBLICATION OF RESEARCH STUDY PROPOSAL 6. Develop an abstract of the study. The researchers must write an abstract of the study and submit to the PTS for an oral presentation at the PTS Annual Congress. The abstract must be send via to e-mail The name of your electronic must include: Name of the main author – Multi-center Study. Sample: “Perico Perez – Multicenter Study”7. Publication of Research Study. The Panamerican Society is committed to helping the principal investigator publish the study either in the society's magazine or others depending on the impact of the study. |